In order for us to provide a quote we will need a cut file to enter into our software.
So as to avoid any artworking costs and be most economical with the material, please supply your artwork in .dxf format laid out to fit the material sheet sizes, correct scale (in mm), with the cut lines in black, etch lines in red and the fill engraved parts outlined in green, with no filled shapes (closed shape outlines only). All text must be expanded and there should be no other notes or lines on the file other than what is to actually be cut. Please leave at least 1mm between each piece (and ideally at least 5mm around the edge of the material if possible to avoid parts getting clipped off).
Please name each file with the material name, thickness and sheet size required.
You will find the materials and sheet sizes (along with prices) we have available here -
If you are supplying your own materials the max size can be up to 1200x900mm
For minor artwork changes the prices are as follows -
A. Free - straight to cut (dxf, correct line colours, there will be no changes to your artwork so you confirm that your files are correct to above spec).
B. Basic check £2.50 - we will look at your files and confirm what changes are needed.
C. File conversion and small edits £5 - any vector format, lines will be checked and changed if needed.
If you would like us to design and/or make the cut files for you the artworking is billed at £45 per hour in 15 min increments (minimum charge half an hour).
If we'll be doing your artwork then please email over any supporting images or sketches with measurements to illustrate your idea. Please can you let us know -
• Which material(s) you would like the order made from
• What thickness of material
• Will you be supplying the material or will we
• What are the dimensions of your artwork
• What quantity would you like
• When is your deadline for receiving the order
• If you have vector (.dxf .pdf .eps .ai .svg) artwork please send it through, ideally in .dxf format (or a thorough description and/ or reference images if not). Don't forget to include the dimensions!
• Anything else you think we need to know.